• Tutor/s Rajendra Mistry
  • TA Prachi Patel
  • Code FD4010
  • Faculty Design
  • Level L4 Studio Unit


Looking at the current pandemic situation, we all are confined in our own bubble of safety and making use of the technology for connecting with each other. Desperately wanting to travel out of the bubble seems scary and exciting at the same time. This situation gives one, the freedom to be anywhere in the world and virtually connected at the same time. The definition of the workspace has changed drastically, hence designing a safe technologically advanced mobile workspace like caravan or office on wheels can be used for both-public or private sectors. For example, one can travel to the mountains, beaches, meadows and work while staying virtually connected at the same time. Project Brief: To identify a profession and design an interior workspace on wheels, keeping in mind their respective professional needs. The study should include the existing workspace and their movement in that space along with their operational flowchart and component matrix. While ergonomically designing the workspace, one should consider the materials & production capabilities along with safety measures, recyclability & self-sustainability. Also scrutinize various design challenges of the furniture pieces, on the move.