• Student Kanabar Drashti Dhirendra
  • Code UA2417
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Catherine Desai,Sebastian Trujillo
  • TA Tanvi Dubbewar


Response to the given Contingencies:T he school has decided to accomodate only the top and bottom stages outlined in the New Educational Policy for India 2020. The original structure is in excellent condition, and can be intervened yet it does not allow for additional loads, but the school has been endowed with sufficient funds to refurbish it completely. The school directives have insisted to implement “modern” architectural language and make the school an island in the context by starkly defining it boundary walls. This project sees landscape as an architectural intervention, by enhancing the open spaces and creating additional ground planes on upper levels inorder to cater to two distinctly different age groups, thus improving social engagement and interaction of the users. These spaces become a place for doing, thinking and feeling for students of all age groups. The school believes in the context where the children and adults are equal participants in everyday life and the relationship is one of trust and respect. Hence spaces with reduced autonomy are introduced at various levels.