• Student SHRAVYA N
  • Code PUT20328
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Shalini Sinha,Nitika Bhakuni,Hemangi Dalwadi
  • TA RAHUL RAJ (rahul.raj960@gmail.com)


The studio aims to understand the process of preparing a strategic transportation plan for a city taking the case of Ahmedabad. The existing scenario of Ahmedabad city was established by analysing data from primary and secondary sources. The base analysis of the city brought forward number of issues in various areas of transport. This portfolio presents the current scenario of the public transport in Ahmedabad and provides suggestions based on the issues identifies through existing situation analysis. The portfolio also discusses the direction of growth and vision for city in 2041, the horizon year. The public transport proposals are recommendations to address existing issues and cater the future demand based on the concept. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic the studio posed challenges in terms of data collection. Therefore, we set the following scope and limitations: The demand and travel dairy is borrowed from household surveys conducted in 2012 and 2019. Impact of COVID-19 is not considered for the study and the base year is taken as 2019 and projected to 2021. Public transport proposal on route rationalisation and route wise fleet calculation is not dealt with and a detailed study is suggested.