• Code PUT20098
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Shalini Sinha,Nitika Bhakuni,Hemangi Dalwadi
  • TA RAHUL RAJ (rahul.raj960@gmail.com)


‘Strategic Plan for Urban Transport System’ Studio which is a part of the Second Semester Course of Masters of Urban Planning at the Faculty of Urban Planning, CEPT University is to understand the process of preparing a strategic transportation plan for Ahmedabad. The objective is to analyze the existing transportation of Ahmedabad and prepare a long-term Strategic plan. The first phase was to study and analyze various acts and policies and detail case study on different Indian and International cities for the better understanding of transportation strategies, policies and execution under agency involved in planning and implementation process. Then the second phase was to detail study on regional connectivity and economic analysis, demography, network, land-use. In the third phase, on the bases on the data and detail study, the vision, strategies and goals were framed. Which was then followed by Proposals for the overall growth, Road network, PT, IPT, NMT, Parking Management. The Portfolio focusses on Policy and development of Parking Management to manage parking demand and to increase the existing parking occupancy. Regional and Area level Proposal to provide seamless interchange between various modes Parking management to decrease the dependency on private vehicle and reduce illegal parking