• Code UA5516
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L3 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Jayant Gunjaria ,Viral Bhavsar
  • TA Mohik Acharya


The existing abandoned land besides Sarkhej roza has the potential to become a repository of culture which caters to the local community and inhabitants of the area. The revival of the site can commence by engaging with the mixed communities, cultures and the residents to initiate a participatory design process; which would lead to a design ‘for the people’ and ‘by the people’. In an attempt to culturally reactivate the area and respond to the lack of communal life and spaces, the new intervention would connect people of different age groups, cultures and communities through creation of public plaza where communal activities can take place. The design response also aims towards respecting the existing heritage monument and further enhancing it through the new intervention, such that the two are woven together, transcending time. The program aims to create public centric spaces as nodes in the site to foster activity and movement along with various functions such as ceramic workshops, art and craft exhibitions etc. In order to thrive as a resilient design, the spaces would be flexible enough to adapt and cater to the existing activities and performances along with hosting formal and informal performances throughout the year. Rather than a destination, the space would become a part of the daily lives of those interested in music. The design will further become a catalyst between the old and the new through becoming a host for performances ranging from the traditional to the contemporary. The flexible nature of the space allows it to accommodate for unprecedented changes in the future and thrive continuously as a public space.