• Code PG191042
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L4 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Vishwanath Kashikar
  • TA Ankita Dhal


Architecture unless built is an intangible process of the mind, it translates into a tangible outcome through the Human touch. It isn’t just about making materially requisite construction that answers certain needs, but strives to raise this construction to an art form because just an Art Form, Construction is a resultant of Human Hands.  The bespoke quality of every material coupled with the unique skill of each craftsman where construction is done hands on would carve out the building in its truest state. So every design should support these contingencies, the distinct imperfections and the slow amalgamation in heightening the ideals of Architecture. ? Architecture also has the capacity to have a more lasting, resounding effect on the human mind. By engaging all the senses this type of architecture can embolden the user to slow down, reflect and build a bond between our memories and in turn heighten them.
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