• Student Mistry Shiv
  • Code UA6617
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L3 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Amit Kurien
  • TA Parshva Palkhiwala


I am the ‘Screwdriver’. I studied the vulnerable details in the Theatre of Trade and the surrounding built environment. While casing the target, I decoded that the Theatre could exhibit vulnerabilities from the perspective of children safety. To explore the topic, three crucial directions are focused on. 1.Understanding the spatial qualities of the Theatre of Trade that could foster blind spots and hence child-kidnap / abduction situations 2.Architectural elements and details that can be unsafe / hazardous /accident-prone for children. Through my Heist scenarios, I am at tempting to 1. Within the academic framework, theoretically abduct a child from the mall and in doing so reveal the vulnerabilities of the design .