• Student Anushka Chaudhary
  • Code UG180073
  • Faculty Technology
  • Unit L3 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Varun Yadav,Dhawal Mistry
  • TA Pravin Mistry,Jay Darji


In this project, we studied our own dwellings, its neighborhood, and their climate and made drawings, IES VE model, and performed simulations to extract its daylighting, temperature, ventilation, and electricity consumption data till mid-sem.  After mid-sem, we isolated our building and studied its characteristics in the hot and dry climate of Ahmedabad as our base case. We then performed different interventions to improve the building's performance in terms of daylighting, ventilation, temperature, and power consumption by adding or down-sizing the size and number of windows which also helped in better ventilation, and by adding insulations to improve temperature and power.