• Code PGE21145
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Shaily Gandhi,Dipak Samal,Jyothi Gupta
  • TA Ashishkumar Upadhyay


The provision of safe, reliable, and affordable water supply through efficiently managed arrangements is a key goal for the urban water supply sector. It is being increasingly acknowledged that these objectives are difficult to achieve through conventional water supply networks without targeting continuous water supply through a constantly pressurized system. Therefore, a detailed study of regional water supply sources for GMC and water distribution networks has been visualized. Further, estimation of water demand as per land use has been computed through Built-use and Unit-water demand Factor method. The absence of sound technical and managerial systems associated with intermittent supply makes supply and demand management extremely difficult. This prevents effective estimation or control of the amount of water produced, transmitted, and distributed. Detecting the issues pertaining to the water supply system of GMC Geometric Utility Network has been delineated. The outcome of the study suggests on proposing metering and usage of Geometric network for effective monitoring to reduce leakage from the distribution systems and household wastage of water – and therefore to conserve the finite source of water throughout GMC.