• Student Jhanvi Mahendra Goswami
  • Code UAR20198
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L2 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Puneet Mehrotra,Juzar Lanewala
  • TA Kanada Vaidehi


To make a place from less living to living, the process of the studio started with understanding the radiance and making things from natural fibers, to exploring neighborhood to find a place which live and less live. Further, understanding the water flow of less living place and then developing different flows, ponds, bunds, valleys, mounts, a pathway started to develop, following a pavilion. And, the place which felt a little less live, was then turned into a place with courtyard, pavilion, pathways, gardens, tank and pond making it livelier than before. Jalvahini- A Tank, Pavilion and Pathways