• Student Mathew M Jayash
  • Code UG190841
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L2 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Sachin Soni
  • TA Rajshri Jain


The marine ecology centre was derived from the cyclic processes of an ecology. This cycle however, is not a straight-forward and simple one. It is one of complexities, interdependencies, diverging paths and connections. This cycle is used as a major organizational principle for programmatic spaces with a cyclic movement that takes the users through the interconnected spaces of the building.
The form idea of the building was derived from the two most important things that Diu possesses. The water - that represents the port control over which many wars and battles were fought. This water represents the control over trade and market showing it is not so fluid. The rock - the same rock by which every building from the fort to the smallest house is made showing that it is not so rigid. The formal idea of the shards of water carving into the rock itself is emphasized in the project