• Code PLA20287
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L4 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Sandip Patil,Tapan Modi
  • TA Shreshtha Waghray


With the technological advancements and the advent of new methods of education through mass media, knowledge has no longer remained an élite activity and is distributed as widely as possible through the working population. But the modern methods of education seem to have broken the link between the institute with its host city. The master plan aims to re-establish the missing associations between the city and institution creating a symbiotic relationship by means of adjustments and a series of adaptations through public networks and green corridors that will enhance the relationship between the city and the site and also improve the site’s ecology and biodiversity.

The design also aims to mitigate future cataclysmic events such as floods, extreme weather conditions, increased co2 emission, drought, ecosystem collapse, etc. With all this in mind, the blue-green infrastructures were incorporated into the design that would enhance the future of our cities thereby creating a more sustainable and resilient environment for all.