• Code PLA21216
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L4 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Nikhil Dhar,Priyanka Kanhare
  • TA Tvara Sharma


The studio commenced with having intense discussions on readings, films on landscape architects and their works. These discussions would make us question our perspective towards landscape architecture and help us introspect as to what we stand for. The theories that we would read and discuss would be then further used for designing on the mentioned hypothetical sites. These sites allow us to express our ideas and thoughts freely and design without paying heed to the analytical part. The various theories that were introduced acted as a new lens through which the sites were looked at and approached. By getting acquainted to the theories, one was able to create multiple design options for just one site. Followed by further analysis on the design theories so as to know which process resonated the most and worked the best to result in good quality designs. The phase II was an introduction to the theory of Four Trace Concepts by Christophe Girot which was explored in detail. Sites were chosen on the CEPT campus and approached first with the process of Landing, then Grounding, followed by Finding, and ending with Founding. The final design outcome enhances the experience of transitioning through the site by breaking its existing linearity and creating pauses in the journey.