• Student Ananya Vaidyanathan
  • Code UAR20014
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L2 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Vinod Shah,Mangesh Belsare
  • TA Kathan Gandevikar


Structures made entirely out of stone masonry, our designs encourage roofs that are giant in gesture. Domes and vaults with large spans and rises are the key features of our design. However, since masonry can only take compressive loads, the program of Supporting and Supported spaces takes birth. My design of a Working and Learning Space for children primarily caters to a young, cheerful and easy going community who love running in and out of spaces, onto large open plinths and are always eager to learn from the spaces around them. An open and free design with varying experiences from one space to another created by different roof forms, clear spans and drastically varying roof heights encourages a different kind of learning experience for the children where its not rigid and confined to defined spaces.