• Code UA5017
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L3 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Shubhra Raje,Kevin Low
  • TA Nikhil Makhijani


The aim of the center for environmental education is to ‘improve public awareness and understanding of The environment.” However, the manner in which the buildings stand in the natural landscape is completely Contradictory. The building’s footprint took up nearly half of the available space. The environment becomes a Context within which the institute sits; that has little to do with the mass’s presence outside or in its surroundings. The campus is a part of the park behind, the part of the existing green mound in the area, still it becomes an Island functioning on its own. Being a center for environment, it stops the interchange of knowledge occurring Between the public and the community on their own, by becoming a portal that receives and is a part of the park