• Code PAD21183
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L4 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Vishwanath Kashikar
  • TA Ajay Chovatia


It’s the year 2035!
The society that we lived in a decade ago, was exploiting natural resources without the consideration of its outcomes, hence depleting the most essential commodities vis a vis Energy, Environment and Ethos. Society is now rethought to be reducing the impact on nature with following strategies:
1. The urban context is highly flexible allowing all the citizens to access their daily needs within walkable reach, thereby breaking the hegemony of individual vehicles. This implies that the society consists of all the necessary amenities within a short walk, cycle ride or public transit.
2. The society promotes the concept of GYOF inducing grow your own food, allowing mankind to go agrarian for their needs while keeping in mind the resource availabilities.
3. Restoring water resources by establishing a cyclic water ecosystem, allowing the homo sapiens of the decentralized society to suffice their water needs for day to day life. Water Management and Waste Management (compost | Recycle).
4. The need for energy has increased due to advancement in technology, detrimental to the fossil fuel and CO2 levels, in the environment, hence the production of energy with renewable resources becomes inevitable.
People today, globally, are compelled to live and work from a unified place which is rather designed just to dwell or to work hence it becomes important to understand this nameless typology of built, with dual use. While unifying these functions into one, one thinks of designing a self-sustaining typology of built space which is independent of any other space - which in itself is a unit facilitating the society. In the current scenario, the domestic spaces are underused by the daytime whereas workplaces are underused by night time thereby occupying twice as needed space for a single person! This is insufficient use of space. The project focuses on these aspects to frame the ideology of the future society.