• Tutor/s Saswat Bandyopadhyay | Gargi Mishra
  • TA Nirali Shah
  • Code UI4005
  • Faculty Planning

This semester, the studio intends to develop an in-depth understanding of how city level infrastructure plans are prepared and integrated with the citywide land use development proposals and visions. The studio will specifically explore approaches to mainstream climate resilience in the overall planning of urban infrastructure including identification, design and financing of projects. Participants will work in teams to deal with macro and microlevel sectoral issues and develop an integrated perspective of City Infrastructure Planning, including norms and regulations, assessment of demand and supply issues, identification and prioritization of projects and investment programming. They will explore various strategies to minimize, mitigate, manage and adapt to the immediate as well as long-term climate change impacts on urban infrastructure. Moreover, they will apply various available tools and frameworks at different levels, City and Local, for planning and implementing sustainable and resilient infrastructure development.