• Student Jeemit Parekh
  • Code UCT21057
  • Faculty Technology
  • Unit L2 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Bhargav Tewar,Tapan Betai
  • TA Vikas Patel,Brijesh Pandya


An Automated Lineout Machine which can be used to replicate building plans on sites. Starting with a very basic machine, which is being trained to mark columns, SPARK-L(Self_Propelled_Automnomous_Robotic_Kiosk_for_Lineout) is in a very beginning stage and has a lot of scope to improve.Inspired from the FieldPrinter by DustyrRobotics, SPARK-L works on a very different principle of time-based navigation, which when improved can really be very helpful. For high resolution,click here