- Student Harshal Gajjar
- Code UA2717
- Faculty Architecture
- Unit L2 Studio Unit
- Tutor/s Hamid Raj
- TA Fateh Singh
The Make and Learn studio focuses on building materials and construction. The studio brief is used to produce an actual scale pavilion for 15- 20 people, which tests the feasibility of concepts on paper. The site is in Mahelaj, Matar District, Gujarat. We learnt how to design for the site context, work with various materials, survey the market for them, and deal with unanticipated structural challenges on-site through the studio.
The design incorporates six entrances, each of which opens in a different direction. The goal was to gradually raise the volume in the core so that you could feel free inside it. The location of the intervention makes it an extension of the existing old structure & doesn't disturb the openness of the farm.