• Student Anagha Anand
  • Code UAR21011
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L2 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Vinod Shah,Mangesh Belsare
  • TA Dhruv Pandya


The market is designed not just to meet the functional requirements of both the vendor and the consumer, but also attempts to create an experience for all those who pass by or through, with its large double volume and varying degrees of open spaces. The brick and steel structure is located in Mandu, Madhya Pradesh, exploring the tectonics of material- with its hipped steel roof giving directionality, and the three-dimensional steel truss expressing the resolution of force within the structure, while responding to its surroundings and climate. The intent of the design is to blur the lines between the indoors and the outdoors; the vendor spaces and the relaxation spaces.