- Code PAT22186
- Faculty Architecture
- Unit L4 Studio Unit
- Tutor/s Smit Vyas
- TA Hemanshu Dodiya
A crystallization that develops at the edge of the existing building and spreads inside as well as outside and ossifies into structure. The mass develops with shear walls that ensure a tension between the approachable yet not directly accessible ground, and the texture of spaces created. The structure adopts material into its fold as it materializes as a composition. A programmatic experiment which breaks the program - guest house, into its constituent parts, such as lounge, pantry, study, etc. and assembling them together into a homogenous entity. Instead of being a set of independent rooms, the space offers the possibility of co-habitation. Creating scenarios to foster interaction in the productive areas of the program, while allowing the areas that require privacy such as bath and bed to maintain its privacy.