Of Religion, Patronage and Urban Transformations

  • Student M MALLIKA
  • Code PHT20187
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Gauri Bharat,Sadan Jha,Priyanka Kanhare
  • TA Deepthi Varghese


The semester comprised of three distinct modules of knowledge and investigation. The first module included deconstructing the built environment of the Panjrapol neighbourhood through archival evidences like maps, the second module intended to develop the craft of articulating thoughts and writing and the third was to curate an essay on a topic of inquiry related to Panjrapol. The essay 'Of Religion, Patronage and Urban Transformations: A Brief History of Panjrapol' traces the transformation  of the neighbourhood fabric through time in an attempt to highlight the dynamism and fluidity of neighbourhood formations.