Simple Building Products

  • TA Harshang Kale | Prachi Nagar | Harshang Kale | Prachi Nagar
  • Code BP4002
  • Faculty Design


The studio aimed at redesigning an existing product with different forms and given parameters of materials, structure, and technology; with an aim to observe, analyze, and investigate different aspects related to materials, structure, and technology of existing products. The studio exercises intended to explore, imagine, and visualize simple products for built spaces and their functioning to arrive at the need-based functional products which facilitate the user and their needs. An approach to achieve the learning objective was to identify design opportunities to develop a new product or redesign the existing product to improve its function, design, aesthetics, and expectations of the user. Students were introduced to use product design considerations to apply them while designing and explore the potential of design with the elements of form, design process, ergonomics, basic materials, design, and manufacturing technology, color, and its use. The design and detail development was geared to translate the idea into a tangible product a prototype and manufacture them considering the aspects of the product, product graphics, packaging, and user expectation with market feedback. A major focus during the project was on form, aesthetics and form development with ergonomics.