Restoration Toolbox: Cast iron elements

  • Student LAKSHMI R
  • Code PG190493
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Ashna Patel,Sabrina Khan patel
  • TA Zeus Pithawalla


The work showcased here are excerpts from a Directed Research Project (DRP) report under the Conservation Frameworks Studio, guided by Ar. Aishwarya Tipnis of ATA Studio, Delhi. This research culminating into a user-friendly toolbox for cast iron elements with a pilot study in Chettinad, is envisaged to be a ready reckoner that can be downloaded and used by house owners, practitioners, students and others. It will be available on and is a joint copyright between Aishwarya Tipnis Architects and CEPT University.To view a five minute elevator pitch of this thesis' research idea(s), please click on the link displayed.