A Journey Through Landmarks

  • Code PG181135
  • Faculty Design
  • Unit L4 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Shailesh Manke,Moksh Thapar


How could a bird possibly have a map of places it has never been? But how do other animals find their way? How do they navigate when it is cloudy? If we think anthropomorphically, we're likely to assume that birds orient themselves relative to important landmarks, as we humans do. The overall design shows a very basic idea of bird migration , the birds navigate through landmarks and sun,moon and stars. Visual Cues / Landmarks: Birds that migrate during the day often follow, and may recognize, natural landforms such as mountain ranges,trees, rivers, and lakes.Birds will often follow the topography (shape) of a coastline to their nesting sites. However, migrating birds, has important geographical features such as bends in major rivers and curves in coastlines.Birds navigate through shadows of trees. Through the sun ,stars and moon : The birds can determine directions according to the position of the sun and stars and sense of timing to navigate.The sun compass plays a role in migration and it is used by birds that migrate during the day.Many species, however, migrate at night ,that birds use the stars for navigation.Certain species can orient themselves according to the sky's major stars. Therefore -- certain birds can definitely use the sun, the stars, the Earth's magnetic field, and what else, to find their ways home. Iron-rich magnetite crystals which orient themselves according to the earth’s magnetic field. Finally, it can be assumed that migrating birds typically use more than one method.     
Walkthrough Link : https://youtu.be/KQlofiaRoGA