Deployable Systems – Form, Space and Function

  • Tutor/s Jinal Shah
  • TA Helie Langalia
  • Code IR2030
  • Faculty Design


The studio intended to explore the potential of deployable systems of origami and scissor mechanisms to design user-defined multi-functional interior architecture elements, which facilitate and enhance the existing activity or user experience, within a given context. Students engaged in understanding, analyzing, mapping, exploring interdependent relationships between form, space, and function. The studio was divided into 3 parts. The first part intended to explore the concept of multi-functional spaces by understanding and analyzing the needs, aspirations, movement patterns of the user within a specific site. The second part explored deployable systems of origami and scissor mechanism. The third part engaged students in the process of design development. The students explored the application of the deployable system to design a product/interior architecture element, which responds to the spatial needs of the user. It also aimed at understanding the working details for the deployable structure/product. The outcome of the semester was an in-depth presentation of the working principle and details of the deployable system designed for a user-centric multi-functional product / interior architecture element.