MAAZA KATTA- A place for the people

  • Code PG190700
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Mili Parekh,Claire Reuter
  • TA Anjali Baby


The Dropbox is placed in Newali village of Yawatmal District in Maharashtra. The village is surrounded by agricultural land feels like we are in the homeland. The village comprises of mixed culture community of Marathi, Gormati, Gonds who migrated in search of jobs in the Coal mine industry and major settled with ancestral agriculture practices. Experiencing this village for the past 6 years and understanding from the interactions, I have come up with the project proposing a space for community and especially for kids titled MAZZA KATTA – A place for the people, by the people, and to the people that allow the community to PLAY, LEARN, INTERACT & CELEBRATE. The main ideology for proposing this project is to enhance the community gathering and interacting culture existing among the people of varied cultures. Space is designed to be utilized with changing fabrics as per the user. The projects majorly focus on providing a community katta with a learning center for the kids and space to play. For experiencing the community visit:-