Crop Patch +

  • Student Sakshi Ashwinkumar Sharma
  • Code UD3317
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Mansi Shah,Chandrani Chakrabarti
  • TA Chandani Patel


Gandhinagar city is known for its open spaces in both public and private domain. Some of these spaces have existing social and ecological significance but many of them are vacant and underutilised. The XL plan shows various open spaces in Gandhinagar, in which they are either completely vacant or have an assigned social or ecological value. The proposed project has a vision of making a productive outcome of these vacant land by reintroducing them as crop patches. Along with these patches the design proposal takes a systematic approach to design the infrastructure that supports like a backbone, to the functioning of the designed crop patches. These design interventions in the designated areas will enhance the public domain of the city and will help to maintain the ecological balance. The project is about intervention in three major parts which are the food centre, allotments and the streets. Crop Patch + means crop patches plus various necessary social and ecological interventions required for an overall sector design. It is done so that small changes can be made to improve the overall public domain and not only include allotments.