The project questions the anthropocentric development and the dominance of human activity in taking over nature. The stretch of river edge in Gandhinagar is still left unexplored offering a matrix of plantation, villages, and wilderness patch which should not only be preserved but also enhanced to support biodiversity. This is also a great amenity for the residents to come and explore. The idea here is to create 'Ukiyo' or almost transient, unobtrusive architecture interventions that will allow minimal human exploration in sensitive micro ecosystem that is taken over by nature with time.
Discovering potential spots that can inhabit other beings and Conceptual forms responding to different types of ground condition.The introduced transient architecture is placed in response to the ground condition. This ground condition defines the nature of micro ecosystem existing on site. The patch near the J road is upland patch, in the centre due to existing topography there are patches where water gets collected and it provides enough moisture for different vegetation and organisms to grow in it. The river edge zone has riparian edge and is preserved, due to changing water level with different seasons potential spotsThe existing site section were taken along the horizontal axis to understand the existing topography and extent of vegetation present on the site. The values of the contours were extrapolated on z axis in order to visualize water catchment areas. Uplands are land areas lying above the elevation where flooding generally occurs—areas found beyond riparian zones. Uplands represent the vast majority of land area that include rock outcrops, badlands, shrublands, grasslands and forests. The ability of uplands to retain soil and nutrients, absorb and release water, and buffer high-runoff precipitation events is a major influence on riparian condition. Thus Uplands monitoring includes measuring soil stability, hydrologic function, biological soiThis specific upland structures have connecting deck and ramp for universal access, this allows humans to be an audience of evolving ecosystems. The canopies of structures are specifically designed in a manner that it provides few parts of the structure light and keeps few part under shade all the time such that mixed habitation of various organism can exist. In-between, uplands and river edge area there are patches which shows three general characteristics: soggy soils, water-loving plants and water. These areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Such areas needs to be preserve and enhanced for better life support which has direct impact on the oThe In-Between structure sits light footed with respect to provided ground condition and has larger open volumes which allows light and ventilation to support biodiversity. The framework of the framework of the structure differs in size and scale of canopies. With geobiological material method the structure itself is enriched with qualities of attracting lost native species of birds and organism. The interface between land and river is rich in terrestrial biome found at Gandhinagar riverfront. The edge encounters different water levels across year and hydrophilic vegetation have thrived on the soft edge. These zones needs to be conserved due to its riparian quality which helps in conservation of soil, natural habitat and improving water quality. The designed structure are sensitively places on the river edge considering water level throughout the year. The river edge structure with its large open canopies and framework under water provides foraging and feeding grounds for birds and other beings. The structure becomes source of food and shelter to many aquatic and other terrestrial animals which helps in biological restoration of the space. The idea here is to create a self-sustaining mechanism which nature inhabit. The idea goes beyond the boundaries and looks at overall network of sensitive ecosystems that can co-exist with humans in Urban Landscape. As Gandhinagar being the green city, the definition of green needs to be understood as green that provides something back to nature. The lawns and large open plots with trees need interventions that can bring wilderness in order to bring life in it.