Emergency shelter

  • Student K RASHMILA
  • Code UI5817
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Rudrapalsinh Solanki
  • TA Prakhar Saraswat


Shelter is contextual and there exists no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution which can be applied worldwide. Whilst emergency phase responses often involve the provision of tents or emergency shelter, it is essential to ensure that shelter assistance programmes can evolve toward more durable and sustainable solutions maximizing, wherever possible, the use of local material, skills and building techniques. Since COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease, it is important that patients tested positive for it and those who are suspect cases are kept separately, in designated facilities till the time they are tested negative for the disease. Further, patients with COVID-19 will remain hospitalised till the time two of their samples test negative for the disease Therefore, it is important to identify dedicated intensive care beds to isolate positive and suspected cases.