Exploration of Design: Material in focus

  • Tutor/s Vishal Joshi
  • TA Hetina Shastri
  • Code IR2024
  • Faculty Design


The studio required students to evolve a fresh design based on the programmatic requirements introduced at the onset of the semester to produce detailed construction drawings for same, implementing their learning from sequentially crafted and regularly discussed exercised during the tenure of complete semester. These exercises were introduced and conducted with an intention for the students to experience methodology adopted for execution of actual project on site, in real-time, although project budgetary constraints are ignored to allow exploration of design & material. The process adopted for the semester required students to study various construction materials and their properties from predefined material palette. The criteria for selection of material was based on their understanding of their client’s requirements and nature of services or work that client offers. Subsequently the student analyzed parameters that they wished to explore & exploit. This was in direct reference to earlier mentioned governing criteria. Hence the resultant combination was a well thought and analyzed material palette, client / profession specific. This method of material exploration and subsequent design transformation led to detailed design outputs.