• Student Odedra Vaishali Bhima
  • Code UI7617
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Ramesh Patel,Vishal Joshi


CO-HABITAT (Experience center for Pods) - As the clock ticks, our population is surging, which in turn creates a hike in demand for living spaces (housing). Flexibility will be an important factor in the coming times, providing us an opportunity for freedom, movement, and exploration within the living spaces and being not a major constraint. With flexibility comes a challenge to create something which is small, mobile, modular, and assembly-based yet providing it an opportunistic idea in a creative way to occupy. Providing personalization through the means of transformations, alterations, and combinations by only using spaces that are essential and others as shared spaces. In times when digitalization is increasing day by day, which has eventually reduced personal interaction with people. People are disconnecting with each other over time. 
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