Well well well… (Suspenseful sound intensifies) It looks like Nariyan’s time has come! To the outside world, I’m an evil person, a backstabber, a cunning fox, but inside me, there are many soft sides and one such soft side is my art. (Suspenseful sound retreats). Let me take you on a visual journey exposing the things I possess, thoughts I hold and the inspirations I earned from the last 127 days of my life through various representations and styles; developing from random scribbles in animating my visual autobiography, to controlled scribbling in my final spaces of my house.
I have an interesting question. Have you ever had thoughts that confuse your self being? Thoughts that ask if you are the right person inside the right body? Yes? No? Why should I ask you, because I know mine and it is yes! I am Nariyan, or the ‘Man wolf’. I am often told by many, that my character is very similar to one of the roles played by Nasser, as Bijjaladeva in the movie Baahubali- a cunning man who is filled with jealousy and evil thoughts. Apart from me having a thought inside a thought, or me inside an entirely different world, this took it further and finally made me execute a phenomenon of a form inside a form!After a few ideations, I made 4 key spaces from my house. First one is the The Wormhole, or the entrance, a small narrow passage with natural light coming from the eye shaped windows and a small hammock for me to relax.Next is ‘The Opulence, my bedroom with the massive thorny bed on top of a Wolf skin carpet. The shoes are often red, to show my trademark move. to stamp on the person’s eye after he is defeated. Slurppp that feeling is eternal! I have my favorite red wine on the table and the whole space is lit by natural lighting through the eye shaped windows.As time went, I thought my anger issue would subside, but 30 years later when Miles, my teenage nephew from SpiderMan: Into The Spider Verse crossed a line, all these thoughts hit my brain like a bolt of lightning. If SpiderMan decided to have a Spider Cave without my knowledge, why shouldn’t I have my cave, ‘The Lucid Chamber’ that has me sitting on my throne. The scene is filled with my 3 favorite words- dark, scary and eerie.The Fury is a place where I take rest, relax and clean myself everyday. The water flowing down the falls is recycled everyday! As I zoom out of each space and see it as a whole, and when you merge the first words of my individual spaces you can see and pronounce my house inside a wolf’s body. Miles recently changed schools, he was pretty upset and so, I got my pen and paper and started to scribble sketches. I looked back at his life, made a detailed analysis of each and every information I could grab and made another storyboard. The Leap Of Faith, the moment when the glasses shattered and Miles dived from the building, was the moment he lost his fear, it was the moment he became SpiderMan. That was the best sight I had ever seen in my life! So I kept that as my inspiration, and had a shattered glass composition and also, I scribbled my sketches to resemble his everlasting untied shoelaces and the background is black to show I’m the reason behind his success. He later made a ‘Spider Cave’ consisting of all the elements from the storyboard and the film. A huge basement just for him!The film portrayed the protagonist and the antagonist in such a way, what they had thought, dreamt and desired was the exact same question- Am I the person I know? Am I free? Or Am I controlled? Having that thought, I quickly illustrated a monoline storyboard of the film in such a manner that can be read in both ways, starting from bottom and ending in the centre. The protagonist and the antagonist are separated by merely 2 colors, blue and red and the final frame is neutral color, depicting their character similarities getting fused in the end.
I imagined a world in 2068, a musical world through the words of the graphic designer Ionna Sotiriou. All the products are interlinked to the human’s hunched back posture and in some form of music. The Magnetic levitated, or The Maglev view- a phone cum Holographic projector has its oval shaped form and gets inside the human hand easily. The Maglev Curvy is the glitchy couch that is analogous to the human’s back. The Maglev Wavy, inspired from the equaliser levels, allows you to listen to songs, making you sway to the beats. Other additions are the Door handle that is inspired from the musical instrument clarinet, and Maglev Portal, that is the circular door. By making a small list on all the designs, a space was created. However, due to some coding error, the room and the couch have a glitch, which gives an unpleasant sight to watch.The thought of the artist Vincent Vilhem Van Gogh, a brave artist in the post-impressionist era, ‘Instead of trying to exactly what I see before me, I make more arbitrary use of colour to express myself forcefully” hit me hard. I sketched a few impasto components that relate to Van gogh the most as a tribute. After researching enough, a color palette for The Starry Night was produced, having the geometry in terms of circles and gave a small gratitude from my side by emulating the iconic entrance of the Faculty of Architecture in CEPT in van Gogh’s style, with a touch of his elements, thoughts and visualisation. As the gloomy crescent moon sky with a mix of pungent fresh and dead sunflowers sets the depressed atmosphere, there are bright yellow shades of hope scattered in the space, giving light and conscious attempt to maintain the contrasting colour palette.