The Monster-in-law : Khaufnak Saas

  • Student Arpita Sharma
  • Code UG190176
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Jay Thakkar
  • TA Kamna Vyas


'Saas ka Khauf' is an upcoming animated movie based on a dark character, Bhawani Devi - the mother-in-law with the iconic twitch in her eye. Before visualising and creating the fictional world around her, I underwent a series of lessons beginning with knowing myself first, where I went back in life to express and illustrate my life story. I then learnt from the masters of visual communication- graphic designers and artists. To enhance my storytelling abilities, I went on a movie marathon, understanding and analysing storyboards, character development and production design. Eventually, this gave me wings to develop my animation-film.