Mass Housing in Kumbharwada

  • Student Shriya Dhir
  • Code UD3617
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Imran Mansuri,Suraj Vasant kathe


Kumbharwada, Dharavi is occupied by a tightly knit potters' community, migrants mostly from Saurashtra part of Gujarat. This project focusses on mitigating the health hazards caused by the soot produced from burning in kilns by pot makers. Through mass housing, this proposal looks at incorporating variety with unity in the introvert community of Kumbharwada. As it is a live-work community, different housing clusters such as purely residential, commercial and Iive-work are designed which creates a hierarchy and flexibility in spaces at different levels. Retaining the nature of adaptable spaces existing on site, it enhances and elevates the overall living experience.