As our studio was on resilience city so we have taken the urban flood as a hazard. So in that we have taken the water logged complaints as a source to find about the building vulnerable to flood and from that we found the number of people impacted through it. Then we had the Storm Water Drainage Network of West Zone so we have taken out the density of pipeline and know the lowest and highest density of pipeline we also consider the vulnerable pipeline and found out the length of vulnerable pipeline and we connected with the resilience indicators.
The Slides represents the information about Urban Flood its Aim and Objectives Methodology that we followed to finish the studio work.These map slides represent the water logged complaints of Ahmedabad City. Complaint data of west zone and then Navrangpura has been taken due to having most number of complaints .In these we find out the building impacted due to water logged problem by making the buffers.The map shows the population impacted from the water logged situation.These are the Storm Water Drainage Network of West Zone and line density is used in it.In these we study about the vulnerable pipeline and find the length of vulnerable pipelines.In these we have given the resilience strategy and connected with the indicators.