The Big Rethink: Interior Techniques

  • TA Paramdeep singh Dayani | Shail s Sheth | Paramdeep singh Dayani | Shail s Sheth
  • Code ID4010
  • Faculty Design


The intention of this studio was to develop a multitude of notions, approaches,positions and arguments with reference to interior techniques and its implications on the interior design practice. Here interior technique was defined as “A method, tool and medium that modifies, alters, conceals, exposes an interior element, thus transforming the transformable quality of the space.” The studio offered an opportunity to develop a design position in different contexts by questioning preconceived notions of interior design. It emphasised the relationship between Interior techniques and its expression, identity and design outcome. The first four weeks were part of the common foundation program, where students from all streams worked together to develop common skills and abilities. The later part of the studio was largely divided into two modules: the first module built an argument on interior techniques through existing projects and the second module intended to develop a systematic approach to the application of the argument in three different contexts. It was an opportunity to develop an individual design position for disparate sites keeping the program constant.