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The three modules have been an enquiry of Calcutta and Partition of Bengal. Through a virtual process, the studio instilled in us the rigour of an archival research. The first module brought to light how various historical events acted as points of erasure, erasing a past of any narrative, we wish to ignore. The schools along with the press act as sites, catalysing this erasure. The CDA boundaries had already led the prostitutes to form distinct red light zones. These boundaries continue as sites of exclusion and this can be seen to this day when the women of Ward 18 ( which houses Songachhi) find representation in the census but as non working women. These sites of erasure and catalysts of erasure together have played role emphasising the identity of the prostitutes as the Dangerous outcasts. We have tried to recreate the set for the movie by deconstructing how objects and furniture have been used to create the difference in heteronormative and homonormative spaces. One can identify how queerness has been exhibited in the room used by the transgender. The room occupied by the grandfather is a stark contrast to this with the heteronominity exhibited here. Within the constructs of this North Calcutta house, we have tried to reimagine how spaces have been queered. https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kocD5fo=/?moveToWidget=3074457352075373545&cot=12