Design In Urban Context ( SUPSI University Switzerland )

  • Student MARIA JEENU
  • Code PG190529
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Rishav Jain


Project 1 : C A B I N E S 
A designing of interiors of a wagon train for the future students of the new SUPSI Campus in Mendrisio is the key task. The design proposes functions of a bar or a resting area where the students can meet their friends and interact . Lighting inside the wagon will be fundamental project themes.

Project 2 : A S T R O C A L I N A 
This Project aims to enhance the location for the Astronomical observation in Carona. The proposal aims at giving identity to the location which currently lacks it being a simple box structure. In addition to intervening on the identity of the place, the project also addresses the theme of reception for the activities proposed to the observatory with the solutions redeveloping both the internal and the external spaces.