A Halt in the Hustle | Reinvigorating an Urban Plaza

  • Code PG190769
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Sandip Patil,Yati Sengupta
  • TA Aishwarya Goel


Kolkata is the cultural capital of India was developed by the British Empire and upholds a perfect juxtaposition between past and present. The citizens are very vibrant, intellectual, foodies, addabaz and are rooted to their origin. The study area, Allen Park is a park located in the middle of the stretch of the busiest shopping street in Kolkata named Park Street. Though situated amidst the hustle of the city, yet the park is disconnected from the street and the people. The project aims to create a place for the people to halt for addas and gatherings as an extension of the Park Street linking it to the street and the people.