Ekaa: Learning Together

  • Code UG190848
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Mitesh Panchal,Anagha Joshi
  • TA Harsh Chauhan


Located on an open farmland in the city of Rajkot, the project explores pedagogical design to develop a learning center. A series of anthropometric and neighborhood study, site and climate analysis, moulds the design to harmoniously blend into its chaotic urban context. Following the pedagogical approach of “Learning by Teaching”, the build promotes an interactive learning environment, with spaces designed to evoke togetherness. A balance between the unbuilt and built, inside and outside is preserved to enhance the learning experience through systematic disorganization. Integration of public roof into the program opens numerous possibilities for the community to use and explore the learning center, generating an urban insert. The build amidst, fabricates a gradual transition from the urban chaos to the serene learning environment into the site. 
Miro Board.