Pedestrian Streets and Plaza in Bopal (SuperBlocks)

  • Student Takshil Hemant Kumar Jagani
  • Code UA6917
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Udayan Mazumdar,Blanca Bravo reyes
  • TA Srushti Shah


The proposal is an urban transformation of the city with a plan that redefines the urban streets by activating the street-scape, converting high-trafficked local streets into safer, greener shared streets. Adding street furniture, seating, playscapes and green plantations to create a outdoor place for local residents and children to gather, play, celebrate. These open spaces are swollen streets which add certain programs to it enhancing the local amenities, providing space for community gatherings and activating he public realm. A modular approach to set out a kit of parts that adapt to different street-capes.