The association of human kind with a body of water can be traced back to the history of civilization. The presence of water not only satisfies its utilitarian purpose, but also has a calming sensation amidst the rapid development and urbanization, which attracts people.
The project aims to tap into this potential of the reservoir to not only hold water but also citizens. The intention is to bring people out of their homes and into the public sphere by providing them with a platform to voice their opinions, and exchange knowledge and culture and henceforth, promoting the growth of society at large.
The site acts as an archipelago in the form of a larger courtyard within the density of the city of Bopal. Surrounded by roads on three sides, the trees provide as the first layer of enclosure for the site. Within this enclosure, lies the series of courtyards that host the library.
The two ends of the project contain the functional needs of the library. Whereas the in between is designed to be flexible to hold a multitude of public gatherings ranging from religious celebrations, gram panchayThis end of the library is situated in the gamtal community, responding to which, the mass of the library is lifted to free the ground. This allows for the space to flow into the larger demarcation of the courtyard and also provides shade. This contains all the print media resources and uses the bookshelves as a way to divide the open floor plan. All of the walls are recessed, not only to emphasize on the robust structure of the built, but also to serve as overhangs for the openings. The water that the large flat roof collects is directed to the lake through the spout over the balcony extended in that direction to not only allow the user to enjoy the presence of water but to also look back at the rest of the project. This end of the library contains all the visual and aural media of resources.
One would enter the building an encounter the tackboard and information panel that would inform them about the ongoing and upcoming activities that the building would entail. As one ascends to the upper floor, one would first encounter the front desk and administration to regulate and monitor the access to these resources; i.e. the computer lab and the audio book collection. The water body is temporary and would only be filled during the monsoon, which would allow for this space to be utilized for institution level gatherings. The axis created across the site is created for circulation and visual connection across the series of courtyards.
This is reinforced by overlapping the line of connection of the water bodies along it. Materials and the language they resulted in, are used as a binder for the project. The robust concrete piers and curved walls create a sense of repetition at each threshold moment across the axis. Whereas the use of brick paving throughout including the ground floor of the libraries, unifies the project and make it whole.