Lighting and Integrated Design Lab

  • Student UMA P
  • Code PG191075
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Rajan Rawal,Minu Agarwal,Swati Puchalapalli,Harsh Thapar


Lighting and integrated design lab is the third step of understanding the building energy performance and a holistic implication and analysis of it. Through the course, the concepts of daylighting and electric lighting were studied. Various performance metrics like Daylight factor (DF), Spatial daylight autonomy (sDA), Annual sun exposure (ASE), Daylight glare probability (DGP), Luminous efficacy, Lighting power density (LPD), Unified glare ratio(UGR), etc. were evaluated.  Finally, the whole building study was conducted as part of the integrated design lab, which encompasses the learnings of the Passive comfort, HVAC, and Lighting labs.