Bungalow scheme at Surat

  • Student Aatrey Sandeep Patel
  • Code UG180022
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Dipsha Shah,Dipen Mehta
  • TA Riddhi Gediya


Plumbing Services means the design, installation, construction, replacement, service, repair, alteration, or modification of the pipes, fixtures, and other apparatus used for bringing the water supply into a building and removing liquid and water-carried wastes from a building. This studio has helped me in understanding the working and designing of the plumbing systems and how the design of a given project can be efficient as well as economical at the same time. Through this studio I came across various innovations and technologies which are being used in the current market. The plumbing design studio has also given adequate exposure in terms of the practices followed on the site as well as the the good and bad practices followed during the execution on site.