Bedari : a response to women's economic issue

  • Code UD3616
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Vrushti Mawani,Mariana Paisana
  • TA Arun Biswanath


Women on drive-in road are affected the worst due to COVID 19 lock-down and stay-at-home orders, women who are laborers and domestic workers are completely left jobless during these times whereas women involved in vending or small scall businesses still continued working but faced a heavy downfall in their income and investments. Therefore the project aim at improving the economic status of women from unorganized sector and establish a system that helps them continue economically supporting themselves and their families even in the times of crisis or economic shutdown, as an economic security.
Bedari is imagined as a women-led center that identifies women from unorganized sector as employees at a local neighborhood level and are introduced to new forms of economic generation and economic support along with its advocacy and awareness.