Women on drive-in road are affected the worst due to COVID 19 lock-down and stay-at-home orders, women who are laborers and domestic workers are completely left jobless during these times whereas women involved in vending or small scall businesses still continued working but faced a heavy downfall in their income and investments. Therefore the project aim at improving the economic status of women from unorganized sector and establish a system that helps them continue economically supporting themselves and their families even in the times of crisis or economic shutdown, as an economic security. Bedari is imagined as a women-led center that identifies women from unorganized sector as employees at a local neighborhood level and are introduced to new forms of economic generation and economic support along with its advocacy and awareness.
Readings to get started with the studio and develop a core understanding of vulnerability and background of epidemic and pandemic diseases in cities.Began with understanding vulnerability in drive-in road through mapping and analysis.Figured one vulnerable group - Women, studied them in detail, what makes them vulnerable and what do women have to say about the current crisis.After analysing the current conditions and understanding their needs and aspiration we developed a master-plan where meta level recommendations were proposed at drive in context.Part of recommendationsFrom the understanding of current issues of women on site, we individually identified an issue of concern and then derive propositions responding to it.After proposing a system program, began with spatial visualization as to how the program will function in a space for which a site on drive in road was picked and developed further at conceptual level.Final site design of the proposed program.Detailed part plans to understand how spatially the center will function.An axonometric showcasing how women will occupy and make use of the spaces at center.