Kaushal Shaala

  • Code UD4116
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Vrushti Mawani,Mariana Paisana
  • TA Arun Biswanath


The project studies the impact of the pandemic that has been on the vulnerable group of people and how this has exacerbated their situation. The initial process involves mapping of Drive-in road, Ahmedabad which helped in understanding the dual nature of the street as it is home to some of the most vulnerable group of people and at the same time it has existing infrastructures that can cater to the needs of these people but still are inaccessible to them. This shows the gap that exists between the institutions that have the capability to provide or extend their services to the vulnerable groups and the people who are in desperate need of the same. This issue is being addressed through the medium of education and economic opportunities through the development of the programs which provide the space for the training center and create economic opportunities for the people which can help them to develop additional skills.