Skill Naka

  • Code UD3516
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Vrushti Mawani,Mariana Paisana
  • TA Arun Biswanath


Since the pandemic started, many people in India have suffered economically. Among these, the worst hit is the daily wage workers, informal workers, and migrants.  But specifically, women have been subjected to both household and economic pressure along with domestic abuse.  In Ahmedabad, women at the drive-in road are involved in small scale skill-based work but are unable to earn enough to sustain their families. At present, there is also a lack of skill-based working provisions on the site to support these women.  Even the labor Naka on the site employs more men compared to women therefore leaving women with insufficient opportunities on-site to earn from. The following exercises in the studio like mapping and recommendations at the masterplan scale lead to the final design ie the proposition of a women-centric Skill Naka which addresses economic and living aspects for women. It aims to identify the existing skills in economic activities of the women living as pavement dwellers on-site, drive-in road, Ahmedabad, and incorporate them into paid services offered to people.