GIFT CITY, Gandhinagar.

  • Student Gadhvi Nirbhay Nikunjkumar
  • Code UC1514
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Reshma Shah,Abhi Jhaveri
  • TA Mayurika Chakrabarti


DSCCSL, otherwise known as BSE Brokers’ Forum, one of the oldest stockbrokers’ association in the country, will be developing a commercial tower at GIFT City.The Dalal Street Commercial Cooperative Society Limited, has been formed by a collective of ~72 brokers to develop this world class tower at GIFT City. With Rs 130.5 crore investment, 72 brokers of Bombay Stock Exchange will set up a dedicated 17- story building at the GIFT City. Setting their business headquarters at the GIFT and operating from here will exempt them from paying Stamp Duty, bringing operational efficiency and providing a better standard of living. The presence of global players at GIFT City will also enable them to accelerate their business. These brokers are stakeholders of The Dalal Street Commercial Cooperative Society Limited. Of these, 55 are from Mumbai, 12 from Gujarat, while the rest are Delhi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Agra and Bengaluru. The Society is betting high on technology and other infrastructure at GIFT City to grow its business.