RUTS- Retrofitting an Urban government School

  • Code PG191168
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Mehul Bhatt,Surya Kakani
  • TA Prakriti Saxena


This studio aims to question the ‘Status Quo’ of the architectural production, to critically engage with different processes involving questions of resources that shape it. -materials, water, energy, waste, labor, etc. - the quotidian realm of architecture . Another valuable yet often missed out from the perspective of the status quo is ‘time’, time as a resource both for construction as well as that which is embodies space.  Hence, the project has looked at an urban government school as a tool to demonstrate humble interventions which have been done inside out- classroom to neighbourhood. From the classroom louvers to the tying up of the corridors, from interactive spaces near staircases to using the plinth as a common thread between the school and the neighborhood- the interventions nestle through small and large scales! Yet, these can be achieved in a short time- hopefully before the schools deem fit to reopen in the future(post-pandemic).